
How Emotions Can Be Caught Through the Five Senses

The talk of ‘catching feelings’ has been around for years, but it’s only recently that science has started to explore the potential of the five senses to tune into emotions. In this article, we’ll go over how emotions can be captured through your five senses, the science behind the phrase ‘catching feelings’, and how you can use your senses to better understand your emotions.

What are emotions?

Emotions are the expressions of our innermost thoughts and feelings. They are a complex mixture of both physiological and psychological states. When we perceive an event in the environment, our mind and body are automatically primed for action. When this occurs, a range of emotions can be triggered, such as joy, anger, sadness, fear, anticipation, regret, and so on.

How can emotions be ‘caught’ through our five senses?

The five senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight), are the way we interact with the world around us. When we experience certain environments or situations, we interpret those situations through our senses, and this can directly affect our ability to ‘catch’ or interpret the emotions of those around us.

For example, if you are in a noisy, crowded place, the auditory input could overwhelm your system, leading to an emotional response. Your heart rate may increase, your breathing may become shallow, and you may become anxious or on edge. You may also find yourself tuning in to subtle nuances in the conversation around you – such as laughter, surprise or even resentment – making it easier for you to catch those feelings.

Similarly, if you are in a pleasant, peaceful environment (such as the beach or a peaceful meadow), the sensory inputs may be different. The smells and colors in your environment may be more calming and inviting, leading to a more positive emotional response.

The science behind the phrase ‘catching feelings’

Recent studies have found that when people are exposed to emotional stimuli (such as smells, words, pictures and sounds), they are more likely to experience that emotion on an emotional and physical level. This is because the brain links what it perceives to emotions, allowing us to interpret the world around us both consciously and unconsciously.

In a recent study, participants were asked to smell a variety of odors and describe their emotional responses to them. Based on their responses, researchers found that certain smells elicited positive emotions such as joy and happiness, while other smells elicited negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. This suggests that our five senses can be used to ‘catch’ both positive and negative emotions.

How to tune into your five senses to better understand your emotions

For most of us, the five senses are the most important way we perceive our environment and interpret the world around us. By tuning into our senses, we can become more in tune with our emotions and gain a better understanding of what we are feeling.

First, it’s important to take the time to pay attention to the sensory inputs around you and how they make you feel. For example, if you are feeling overwhelmed, noticing the smells or loud sounds in the environment may help you to identify that overwhelming feeling. Similarly, if you are feeling peaceful, taking the time to notice the colors and sounds around you might help you to better appreciate that feeling.

Additionally, taking the time to experiment with smells, tastes, sounds and visuals can provide insight into our emotions. This is because when we focus on sensory inputs, our brain is able to create new connections to emotions, allowing us to explore and understand our feelings in greater detail.

Finally, it is important to practice self-care, such as indulging in relaxation techniques, journaling and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This can help us to become more aware and connected to our emotions, allowing us to better understand and express them.


By tuning into our five senses, we can become more connected to the world around us, as well as our emotions. By experimenting with the sensory inputs we experience, we can gain better insight into our emotions and understand them on a deeper level. Finally, taking the time for self-care is important, as it allows us to connect with ourselves and better understand our emotions.

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