- Beets and bilberries. A high concentration of chromogens in these foods makes the teeth yellow.
- Spices. Curry and turmeric are especially good at changing the color of teeth even after eating them once. They can make your teeth look yellow or even red. It’s very hard to get rid of this color. If you ate something that contains these spices, drink green tea with lemon to neutralize its effect.
- Soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. They often leave dark spots on the teeth.
- Colorful soda. Soda contains a lot of chemical coloring which changes the color of teeth. It also destroys the enamel.
In order to neutralize these foods’ negative effects, wash your mouth out after eating and don’t forget about natural bleaches.
Natural bleaches
- Pear. This fruit removes plaque and massages the gums.
- Pumpkin. This is one of the best natural bleaches. You can achieve the best effect if you bake it in the oven or add it to a salad or smoothie.
- Strawberry. Despite its bright color, it has a great whitening effect. It contains apple acid that removes dental plaque very effectively.
- Broccoli. It can remove dark spots very well. It’s better to eat fresh broccoli. You can cut it into a salad or boil it just a little bit.
- Celery. This is a 2 in 1 bleaching food. It helps to remove dental plaque and kills bacteria in the mouth.
- Orange. The citrus acid whitens the teeth very well but people who have sensitive gums and teeth should be careful.
- Parsley. After eating something, just chew on a little bit of parsley before washing out your mouth.