Whether you’re a fresh graduate or someone who’s been in the job market for years – job hunting is tough. Have you tried rethinking your approach to finding a job?
There’s no denying it – searching for jobs really is a full-time job in itself and, alas, it doesn’t get much easier as you get older.
Feeling a bit like you’re going round in circles and getting nowhere with it? Sometimes, it can be helpful to take a step back and really think about your approach before bashing out the job applications.
Taking a different angle can give you a fresh boost of confidence if you’re feeling in a rut, and hopefully find you that job opportunity you’ve been searching for.
Job competition is tough:

Our main word of advice to job searchers is this: don’t just think in terms of ticking the boxes and meeting the criteria that an employer is looking for.
Applying for jobs is about really selling yourself to a potential employer – why should they pick you over other applicants? Think about how you can stand out from the crowd.
This is often overlooked by students who search for jobs by dropping impersonal CVs and cover letters into high street retail stores and bars.
How you handle the application process is a reflection of the kind of employee you are: come across like you’re not putting the effort in at this stage of the game, and it won’t impress anyone.
Also, try not to let failed applications knock your confidence too much. Remember the theory of ‘survival of the fittest’ in secondary school? Well, this applies to the job market too.
Those who are willing to mutate (in approach) and take each rejection letter like water off a duck’s back are likely to succeed. Keep reminding yourself of this!