10 steps for finding a job:
To get you started on your whole new, smarter approach to job hunting, here are ten tips that you may never have thought of when attempting to nail that student or graduate job application.
1- Try online networking

Get plugged into career networking sites like LinkedIn. You might think this is a step ahead of yourself if you’re still studying, but it actually looks great to employers if you’re already keen to know what’s going on in the job market before you’ve even graduated.
Join discussion groups for industries you’re interested in and start building your social network to keep in the loop for the latest job offers.
Following companies that you like and commenting on their posts is also a great way to get noticed, although remember to keep your comments professional, and save the rants for Facebook.
Note that it’s also bad etiquette to add anyone on LinkedIn who you don’t already know, so going on a mad connection-adding spree won’t work in your favor.